The Sentient Life

Dear friends, family, visitors, the curious, the hopeful, the hopeless, the lost, the found, the suffering, the joyful-every living, breathing sentient human being, I humbly invite you to please visit the "new" and updated version of this blog, now with its own domain:  WWW.THESENTIENTLIFE.ORG.
This is the start of my attempt to make “THE SENTIENT LIFE” a phrase everyone will be familiar with. Not to make myself popular or well-known, because I’d much rather you not know who I am, because who I am isn’t the point.
THE SENTIENT LIFE is the point.
Being aware of it.
Understanding it.
Living it.
Coping with it.
Helping each other through it with hope and love and grace and support.
I want to make the idea of THE SENTIENT LIFE ubiquitous, well-known, and understood so that we can all experience it together, with the help of our absolute best unique abilities given to each and every one of us through our stories–through our experience in this Sentient Life given to each of us through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
I want to start a movement for mankind.
One where we ask the tough questions and actually and wholeheartedly go looking and searching and clawing and crying and bleeding for the answers. Together. Searching for God’s and Life’s Truth about who we are, why we are here, why we suffer, what to do about it–how to not just hope to survive it, but how to learn to be thankful for it.
If you have ANY questions or concerns or comments or blog requests please select CONTACT ME on the tabs bar. I would absolutely LOVE to hear from each and every one of you and maybe even share your story on here for all of us to learn from and feel connected to.
Through this site, I hope each and every one of us who are struggling may not only learn, but wholeheartedly feel that you are loved and liked and appreciated. You are NOT forgotten. You are NOT alone. We are here. We understand you. And we want you to be a part of this movement, of this family.
We are sentient.
And we will be sentient together.
No one should have to suffer alone. 
I Know How You Feel. You are NOT alone. We are Sentient Together.
Here we go…

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