June 10, 2012


Every once in a while words elude me. Every once in a while they aren't the art that speaks to me. That feeds me. That slakes the thirst of the beast of a thing inside me, especially at 3:00 am. Sometimes, Some Nights, it's music, television, photography, nature, shadows and light that tell me to Carry On. Every once in a while there are a million other types of art vying for my attention, shouting at me louder than words usually do: "We are Truth!"

Here are two new songs that mean something special to me, and not just because The Format's Interventions Lullabies record was the anthem of our freshman year of college. But because his lyrics are haunting. They speak of Truth, and yet make you rethink everything you think you already know.

His lyrics aren't for the feint of heart. They aren't for people who aren't sure of what they say they believe. They make you think very carefully about what is true and what is false, what is fake and what is real, and what it feels like to be human in a broken world run by the Devil. Now, you don't have to agree. But if just one of these screams or even whispers "I am Truth" to you, then that God and I call a success.

Get lost in them. Feel moved by them. But above all, especially my opinions, feelings, and taste in music: Seek Truth.



Some Nights by Fun.



Carry On by Fun.

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