September 6, 2012

For S----

So something so God has been happening, and I'm just so lost in His wonder that I don't know what to do next. Or right now even?

You see, there's this girl on Twitter I recently started following and I can't stop praying for her. I know without a shadow of a doubt I can somehow, even just a little bit, be a wounded healer here. I just don't know where to begin.

It was easier with L--- because she sought me out. But S--- is different...I don't want to force God's love on her. I just want to show it to her and watch her light up.

I'm worried about you S---. You are so much more amazing than you will ever know. And I know it's true. These are not "just words". I am not saying this to be nice.

This is going to sound a bit, or a lot, crazy, but God is showing me you as He sees you. Not as you see yourself or even as the world sees you. For some other worldly and mystical reason, when I see your picture on Twitter or when I read your tweets, I can only see what God sees, and all I know is that I'm supposed to help you:

Help you know and believe that you are who He says you are and nothing else or anything less.

Help you see who you really are by seeing yourself through His eyes.

You are extraordinary S---. He keeps reminding me to tell you that. And I am beginning to believe I found you so that I can keep reminding you until you believe both God and me when we tell you that you are beautiful, and special, and priceless, and important. You matter.

You are loved and worthy of love.

Life won't always be and feel like this. You are meant for more. You are meant to shine your light on this world. Yes, we said light. It may be dim now, but it has the potential to illuminate so many people.

S--- you have the potential to be a wounded healer. God has given you the authority of empathy. If you allow Him to rescue you now, you can rescue so many more in your future.

I need you to know I am here for you. I will do my very best to always be here for you. I love you because God loves you. If you will have us, can we try to help you through this storm?

Think about it. Pray about it. Trust me, I know this is all kinds of crazy, but I feel in my core that I found you for a reason. Please, when and if you are ready, can we figure the reason out together?

You know where to find me.


With All My Love and His (From One Who Is Wounded To Another),




Shall we start your second chance living? *wink


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