January 19, 2012

The Sick (of Heart)

“Tony the Beat Poet says the words alone, lonely, and loneliness are three of the most powerful words in the English language. I agree with Tony. Those words say that we are human; they are like the words hunger and thirst. But they are not words about the body, they are words about the soul.” –Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz

When one is sick, one often couldn’t feel more lonely. I would much rather have my joints and muscles hurt than my heart and soul. And I think that is something the healthy can’t even begin to imagine.

I do not, repeat do not want you to give me some homeopathic remedy to help my aching joints--unless it really works. I do not want for you to pray for me to be healed. I do not want to come to your church and have your pastor pray over me…ok, so those things are extremely sweet and caring and I really DO appreciate all of that, I really do, and I understand you just want to help. But what I want even more than all that--if you really want to help--here is what every single sick person in the world would rather you do than try to FIX us:

Just BE THERE for us. Sit with us in the dark and hold us while we cry. Visit. Send cards. Flowers. Toys-like Legos or Action Figures. See’s Candy. A banjo (I really want a banjo). Money—ok, now I am just joking. But I'm dead serious about the See's Candy (I like Scotch Kisses and anything chocolate), and Legos. I love Legos!

But seriously everyone. Just be there. BE THERE. For us. With us. We are lonely. It is our hearts and souls that hunger and thirst the most. Not our bodies. Heal our spirit first. Our bodies second. Please….please.

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