February 1, 2012


Ok, look. I'm pretty sure my only audience on here are people who actually know who I am. So, taking that into consideration, I need you to trust me. I know I enjoy playing the "unreliable narrator" bit, but that's only because it's genius and fun. It leaves the truth in the readers' hands: in what you choose to believe is truth instead of believing what everyone else says, which becomes confusingly ironic at times because all I want is to tell you the truth. But I am begging you to read this script. I am begging you to forget all of your opinions and presuppositions and false ideas about the tv show it comes from. I am begging you to read it and look for the truth in it. Because its there. It's right there.

This is honestly one of the most brilliant and profound and relevant scripts, episodes, out there. And trust me, I watch more tv than all of you put together, so I would know.

I connect so heavily to it...it gives me the strength I need to keep fighting every day. It is like a crazy sci-fi version Spin-off of Job written by someone I consider to be one of the best television writers ever: Joss Whedon. It is the script from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season Three, episode 10. The episode is entitled: Amends.

You guys, I would not lead you astray. You need to read this episode's original script. I need you to read it. And trust me, you need you to read it. Forget it's "Buffy"! Read it as a real story, a parable, a sci-fi version Spin-off of Job. Read it at the very least, as literature. Please, please read it. Or, the easier way, but I will take whatever you give me, watch it on Netflix. Season three, episode 10: Amends.

The following are the best two fan-written scripts I could find. Whichever format you like better, go with that one. Thanks.

May we all have a Buffy right there fighting to save us, a world trying to tell us life is worth fighting for. We are all worth saving. We can all make amends. Being strong is fighting, and we can do it together. May there always be someone, something, even snow, telling us we belong in this world, and we deserve to make amends.

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