October 7, 2012


Brilliant Women (@Epic_Women)

9/29/12 8:58 AM

Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall they be saved. -Jane Goodall

Mind you, I know Jane is not talking about humans, but she has a big enough heart and an empathetic enough heart to know this is about more than just one species. And this quote is one of the few things that helps me be less mad at my family, friends, and doctors...

They don't help me because they don't understand. And they don't understand because they feel too uncomfortable to ask me questions and I'm too uncomfortable to tell them how bad Still's Disease actually is without being prompted. So...it's both our faults.

But know this, we honestly can't truly help anyone until we understand. I've learned that the hard way. And I take the time to truly get to know you and how you are doing because I love you and because Still's Disease humbled me into paying better attention, so please, please ask me questions! If you don't...well, look, just do, ok? Please. Because no matter what strong front I've got on today, it's a lie. I need your help. I'm just too proud to ask for it...

May we all go out of our way a little bit more to truly understand each other so that we can truly begin to care about each other more than ourselves, so that we can truly help each other in an effective way that brings about a great change--the great change we've all been waiting for, for all species. Except spiders. They can go. And snakes. I never need to understand either of them. Other than that, go, understand, care...save.


(Sorry, I use humor as a coping mechanism.)

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